Firearm Safety Course & CT Gun Permit Class

The safe­ty course is the first step in get­ting your gun per­mit. While work­ing with me, I will help you go through the rest of the process. As we con­tin­ue work­ing togeth­er, I will detail the class step by step and pro­vide the much-need­ed sup­port to get your per­mit. Class­es start at $140 and
are offered every Saturday. 

About the Instructor

My name is Eli­jah Hamp­ton and I am a cer­ti­fied NRA instruc­tor with sev­er­al years of expe­ri­ence with gun safe­ty, through this course and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. When I am not instruct­ing, I am a trav­el­ing secu­ri­ty guard, work­ing in sev­er­al areas in Con­necti­cut through­out the week. 

If you have any ques­tions about the course or the process of get­ting a gun per­mit, please do not hes­i­tate to reach out. I love what I do and I can’t wait to help you. 

Book with us:

Use the cal­en­dar below to book your next Firearm Safe­ty Course & CT Gun Per­mit Class.